Over My Dead Body!

2015, 32 minutes

Two hack screenwriters find themselves crammed into a sweaty studio lot writersroom, racing for a deadline, stopping at nothing to outdo each other -- even if it means murder!

Two screenwriters, George Spencer and George Marx, find themselves forced to share a cramped, sweaty studio lot writers’ office. Trapped together, in fierce competition with one another, the office quickly becomes a pressure cooker of annoying ticks, mannerisms and petty rivalries. But when production on the studio’s flagship Thanksgiving picture collapses – due to an improbable scandal involving a wayward starlet, a school bus full of children and some industrial farming machinery – their diligent secretary Daisy Day hands the two Georges an urgent deadline, direct from the studio head: they must produce 10 new pitches by the end of the day – 10 killer pitches – or else their contracts will be revised. They fly into a frenzied panic, scrabbling through their notes, desperate to come up with some decent material. In a moment of absolute despair, they decide to put aside their differences and collaborate on some pitches. But lacking any creativity, intelligence or basic common sense, they still end up at each others’ throats – stealing ideas, sabotaging each other and finally descending into violence.

Connected mandy members:

Daniel O'Flaherty
Director of Photography
James Carney
Jo Symmons
Props Buyer
Art Director