Job Details

Jan Klier

Don't hide the job details in the free profile...

I was a paid subscriber for quite a while. Recently let it lapse because the quality and pay of the jobs seems to have dropped drastically in recent months. I still scan the posting, but now that I'm back on the free profile, anytime I click on a job the details are a 'premium feature'.

That seems backwards. If there was a really cool job I see and want to apply to, I might pay again for a month so I can take shot at it. But without seeing the details I can't tell if it's a really cool job or just yet another cheap sucker gig.

Since you can't apply without being a paying member you're not giving away the farm by teasing us with the details. Consider it. It's good marketing for you...

  • 5 years ago
  • 1,160
  • 1
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