Removal of Emily Parr from CastCall Pro

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I have asked that the owners/operators of CastCall Pro remove Emily Parr from this site. She is a disgrace, both to herself and her family, the Industry she professes to be or want to be a part of, etc etc. Read her quotes pre-BB and you'll see that this person revelled in the idea of being outspoken and offensive. Fine. That's her right. One (minor) price to be paid for this however should be her exclusion from this site.

  • 16 years ago
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Oh my, I've no idea who Emily Parr is but crikey, pot/kettle!

  • 16 years ago
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Me, neither. But then, if she's owt to do with BB, I am happy to say I would not have heard of her.

  • 16 years ago
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Forbes KB

She's the girl who's just been kicked off Big Brother, but quite frankly, they should have brought her into the diary room, given her a verbal slapping and chosen not broadcast anything to do with the incident in question.

She has simply been made a scapegoat by the shows producers who are desperate to show that they will come down tough on racist remarks even though the word she used is in common use by the ethnic group it is supposed to have insulted. But hey, it's gonna get BB on the front pages of all the tabloids tomorrow and that, at the end of the day guys, is what it's all about, isn't it!!

Instead of jumping on the politically correct bandwagon, trying to raise a lynch mob and acting all 'Holier than Thou', Mr. Warburton, don't you think you should be offering advise and counsel to the younger members of our community who are simply trying to get ahead.

Pot, Kettle, indeed!!


  • 16 years ago
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Nathan Head

do you mean her?

im sorry, I think I must have missed something. could someone explain to me what is happening? I have no idea who this woman is.

  • 16 years ago
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Lee Ravitz

You will not be alone Nathan. I believe - for so Yahoo's News Service helpfully informs as I boot up en route to CCP - that she has something to do with Big Brother.

And, clearly, since nobody's watching it this time round (oh, we can but hope - but surely, the eighth year in a row - is it? - is enough for anyone), they have concocted some 'racist scandal' in order to capitalise on their infamous last charm offense, and get a few more viewers tuning in.

Not that I would ever condone racist behaviour, but I condone even less this cynical attempt to exploit it for publicity value. Channel Four's behaviour is not so much hypocrisy as it is well judged marketing.

Or something. Probably. I've never watched the damn thing anyway.

So, in fact, I don't know what I'm talking about, either. But it sounds about right.

  • 16 years ago
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Lee Ravitz

And my apologies to Forbes, of course, who, in fact, said pretty much the same thing (better, maybe?). Should have read the post more closely.

  • 16 years ago
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I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was all a set-up and she was planted to behave as she did, so that those in charge could be seen to be 'doing the right thing'. The channel in question has produced some really terrific programmes in the past, but between BB in general and the 'Diana' programme this week, I do wonder whether they care about anything anymore, apart from 'scandalous' programming to pull in the maximum number of viewers.

  • 16 years ago
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I (embarrassingly) have been watching Big Brother! *ducks whilst every CCP member throws a cushion at my head*
And from what I have seen of Emily I don't believe it was a set up. She just seems like a young naive girl who made a silly mistake (very silly after the last BB controversy).
It wasn't meant to be an insult, and the girl it was directed at was, although shocked, not insulted as it seemed an attempt by Emily to be matey with her in the way that the word is used sometimes from one black person to another.
It is a tricky situation as Channel 4 have to cover their backs after what happened a few months ago, and even if they didn't mention the incident as Forbes suggested, there is still a chance some live feed may have shown a comment about it in the future episodes.
There is of course going to be a big uproar about this with mixed opinions, but I think Channel 4 acted in the way they had to, and Emily is unfortunately going to have to live with the results of such a silly mistake.

  • 16 years ago
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Alan Brent

I agree with the young 'Oscardarling' reply above.
This is nothing but a cynical crap ploy to win ratings. As is the appalling documentary that I refuse to watch (as I do BB).
Channel 4 has a lot of bad issues going on. Don't jump on their bandwagon it only serves to add to their awful publicity stunt.

  • 16 years ago
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Some people will it seems defend anything and anyone, irrespective. If people are prepared to defend this sort of language from this sort of person in this sort of context, then good luck to you. The pot and kettle jibe? Not got a clue what you're talking about am afraid. I simply believe we should not accept people insulting people based upon the colour of their skin. Sorry - that's called racism, is politcally, morally & socially indefensible and I couldn't disagree with you more strongly. Band-wagon nothing. Racism is racism. Pure and simple. Read up on the girl in question's views on life and politics before she went into this programme.

  • 16 years ago
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It was a flippant comment not intended to be racist in that regards. her heart was beung silly and imature- not like jade Goody. have a bit of grace- bloody hell- shes a young adult- still in nappies.

Get off you sefl righteous podium and be a support toher. have you never said something stupid in your life?

  • 16 years ago
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Forbes, the voice of reason - you said everything I wanted to say, except better because you're a brit and not me!

And expanding on this... Why is it OK for every single tabloid to call my people 'frogs' but - according to the same tabloids, and the 'serious' press, and the PC brainwashed brigade - to call Indian people 'papadom'?
Both words refer to food prepared by the respective people, right? I never took offence being called a frog, why would the media and the PC brigade then think it's racist and offensive to call Indian people 'papadom', while thinking it's OK and fun to call French people 'frogs'?
Just interested in the view on a rosbif angle!

  • 16 years ago
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Try being called a carrot ... tut!

H xxx

  • 16 years ago
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Ah, Pierre, vous avez raison. Ce n'est pas juste. Mais revenons a nos moutons (but first check their country of origin)

OK, I'll probably regret this as I don't suppose a debate with Mr Warburton will be very fruitful judging by past encounters. I can't hope to compete with your calm, tolerant, knowledgeable and good-humoured approach.

My point was that if you are asking for someone to be "struck off" because of the following:

"this person revelled in the idea of being outspoken and offensive. Fine. That's her right. One (minor) price to be paid for this however should be her exclusion from this site."

then there could well be other people on Casting Call Pro's "little list".

Most of the posts I have read from you in the past could be described as falling in to the "outspoken" category and a fair few have claims to fit the "offensive" category too.

As for your extraordinary rants in private messages (because I know I'm not the only one to have received them), well I am, you'll probably be relieved to hear, speechless. I won't open them in future.

  • 16 years ago
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I agree with you Pierre.
It's utter nonsense.
People will always exploit the ignorant and arrogant for self justification and to appear a martyr.
It's a sad fact of our sub species existence.
If you can call it an existence. bbem

  • 16 years ago
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Why do so many people take Big Brother soooo seriously?

  • 16 years ago
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Well done Forbes...finally somebody who speaks a bit of sense!
We are living in a crazy world where political correctness has spiralled out of control!

  • 16 years ago
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On a lighter note.
If this member were brunette and in my age category I would be jumping on the "band wagon" to remove her - get rid of the competition I say.
Tee hee! Only joking folks!

  • 16 years ago
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Whether it's a set up or not, the media/press/tabloids etc. whatever you want to call them will jump on this useless story to feed an attitude of hatred towards a 19 year old girl who just made one careless mistake. Meanwhile there is poverty in Africa, there is war in the Middle East and there are huge problems with climate change. But yet again the press have decided that this story should take up the headlines.

I don't think we should be dancing to the media's tune. Emily will be feeling a lot of regret and guilt already for this mistake, she is after all a human being. I do not condone her behaviour at all, but she has not started any wars, she has not killed anyone, she just said a silly thing on a rubbish TV programme, please don't jump on this ugly witch hunt.

  • 16 years ago
  • 19

Ooops, I told you I write like a French pig... it should have read:

Forbes, the voice of reason - you said everything I wanted to say, except better because you're a brit and not me!

And expanding on this... Why is it OK for every single tabloid to call my people 'frogs' but - according to the same tabloids, and the 'serious' press, and the PC brainwashed brigade - NOT OK TO call Indian people 'papadom'?
Both words refer to food prepared by the respective people, right? I never took offence being called a frog, why would the media and the PC brigade then think it's racist and offensive to call Indian people 'papadom', while thinking it's OK and fun to call French people 'frogs'?
Just interested in the view FROM a rosbif angle!

  • 16 years ago
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