Actors Centre

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Actors Centre. If you are interested in working with Actors Centre or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

A training centre for professinal actors, with with classes and productions taught by industry leaders. Th Actos Centre has studio space as well as a theatre.

Connected mandy members:

Hugo Trebels
2004, Privates on Parade, Cheng
Jermyn Street Theatre
Kostas Katsikis
Actor, Singer
2004, Pinter Workshop, Actor/ Lead
2003, Macbeth, Lear and Romeo & Juliet, As cast
Tristan Bates Theatre
2003, Body Checks, Steve
Rita Shaer
2002, The Unsatisfactory Supper, Aunt Rose
Actor's Centre
Becky Potts
2002, Accrington Pals, DSM
Jermyn St Theatre, London
1999, R B Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Tristan Bates Th.,Actors Centre, London
1999, Hello From Bertha, Bertha
1999, Annie Wobbler (excerpt), Anne
Tristan Bates Theatre
1998, North Corner of Glory, Jane
Tristan Bates Theatre
James Holmes
1997, The Zoo Story, Jerry
Tristan Bates
1992, Treason, Lady Anne
The Actors Centre. London.(Previous Goodge St address)
Phil Young
1981, Shakespeare Workshop, Various Shakespeare roles
Actors Centre

Actors Centre Jobs

For details of known Actors Centre vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Actors Centre London, The Actors Centre, The Actors Centre Showcase