Angels the Costumiers

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Subtle details are crucial to our work. Quality and accuracy can never be sacrificed; this is a firm rule that applies to any costume; be it a single item or clothing for a cast of thousands. The same level of service and attention to detail is applied to everything we do.

Angels costumiers are knowledgeable, enthusiastic and passionate about their craft. They can help with the selection, sizing, preparation and packaging of the most exacting of costume requirements.

Tailors and Dressmakers faithfully reproduce the original cut of garments so that the authenticity of a costume is guaranteed.

An unparalleled stock combined with a dedicated and enthusiastic staff, an attention to detail and competitive pricing makes the Angels standard very hard to measure up to.

Connected mandy members:

Emily Corner
Costume Assistant
2011, Various productions, Costume Warehouse Work Placement
Holly Broughton
Costume Supervisor
2011, Various Productions, Freelance Alteration Technician Theatre
Holly Broughton
Costume Supervisor
2011, Various Productions, Freelance Taylor's assistant
Holly Broughton
Costume Supervisor
2011, Various, Costume Alterations Intern
Anna Sorensen Sargent
Costume Designer
2011, The Iron Lady, Intern - Costume Production Assistant
Anna Sorensen Sargent
Costume Designer
2011, South Pacific, Intern - Costume Production Assistant
Anna Sorensen Sargent
Costume Designer
2011, Million Dollar Quartet, Intern - Costume Production Assistant
Noel Coward Theatre
Anna Sorensen Sargent
Costume Designer
2011, Madam Butterfly, Intern - Costume Production Assistant
The Royal Albert Hall
Anna Sorensen Sargent
Costume Designer
2011, Hemingway, Intern - Costume Production Assistant
Anna Sorensen Sargent
Costume Designer
2011, Dr Who Exhibition, Intern - Costume Production Assistant
Earls Court
Anna Sorensen Sargent
Costume Designer
2011, Downton Abbey Season 2, Intern - Costume Production Assistant
Hendon HQ
Anna Sorensen Sargent
Costume Designer
2011, Dark Shadows, Intern - Costume Production Assistant
Anna Sorensen Sargent
Costume Designer
2011, Charles Dickens: The Haunting, Intern - Costume Production Assistant
Samantha Stevenson
Costume Assistant
2011, Angles The Costumiers (London) two weeks work experience, Costumier
Rachel Perry
Costume Maker
2010, Various Productions, Alterations Work Experience
Laura Bailey
Wardrobe Assistant
2010, Various, Costumier
Eleanor Moss
Wardrobe Supervisor
2010, Several, Intern Costumier
Harriet Kendall
Costume Assistant
2010, Many, Senior Costumier
Laura Bailey
Wardrobe Assistant
2010, Cheerful Weather For the Wedding, Costumier
Deborah Tallentire
Costume Maker
2009, Wicked., Bespoke and Theatrical Tailor

Angels the Costumiers Jobs

For details of known Angels the Costumiers vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Angels The Costumier, Angles the costumier