
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with conFAB. If you are interested in working with conFAB or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

conFAB was founded in January 2004 by a group of writers keen to develop their practice in a range of environments with a vast array of different audiences. Since then, we have grown organically, but significantly, each year developing new and exciting work that straddles many different genres and art forms. Evidencing the gap in cultural provision, the organisation has been in demand since its inception, responding to invitations from a wide range of partners including formal and informal education providers, local councils, museums, libraries and community and other professional arts organisations.

Central to the organisation is a very real and deep rooted commitment to community and education-based work which strives for artistic excellence as well as respecting the crucial development process. As a cross-artform company we seek to not only question the boundaries between art forms but also to challenge and question demarcations between professional and community/education practice. We create artistically bold community productions where professional practitioners and community actors/ performers work alongside each other.

conFABS' mission is to support, develop and expand opportunities for writers of all mediums, encouraging the innovative growth of text based, cross-artform work across Scotland and internationally. We aim to:

• produce a wide range of high quality arts experiences, e.g. one person poetic shows, theatre productions, musical theatre productions, community based arts.

• support writers of all mediums, cultures and backgrounds, primarily in Scotland and thereafter internationally, to develop and produce work.

• encourage and support a wide cultural diversity especially in the production of work not considered commercial by mainstream standards.

Connected mandy members:

2017, Seraphina, Air
The Wynd Auditorium
2015, Cocktail: Fear, pain, power, Marie
Touring Production
2013, The Gates; A New Musical, Edie
Summerhall, Edinburgh
2013, The Gates; A New Musical, Edie
Classic Grand, Glasgow
2013, The Gates, Smithy
Summerhall and the Classic Grand
2013, The Gates, Judy
Classic grand (Glasgow)/Summerhall (Edinburgh)
Adam Buksh
2013, Music of Strangers (iTunes recording), Asian Man
Adam Buksh
2013, Music Of Stangers, Asian Man & Chorus
2011, Miss Smith, Marie-Anne Smith
Pearce Institute
2011, Hearts Unspoken, Ali
Tron Theatre
Tamsyn Mackay
Lighting Technician
2010, D'Yi Mind, I'm Trying To Blossom Here!, Lighting designer and operator
CCA, Glasgow
Gerald McDermott
2010, Club Gateways, Lighting Designer
Tamsyn Mackay
Lighting Technician
2010, Club Gateways, Lighting technician
Winchester Club, Glasgow
Gerald McDermott
2007, Common Ground, ASM/Sound Op

conFAB Jobs

For details of known conFAB vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

conFAB art as a conversation