Coy Communications

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Coy Communications. If you are interested in working with Coy Communications or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

They are mostly a production company that make tv commercials but they also shoot stills.

Connected mandy members:

2011, Sunday Times Tech List, Tech geek
Stephen Rose
2011, Pimms, Morris Dancer
Sarah Hoare
2011, Counting Backwards, Young Jackie
2010, Westlife / Safe, Rogue-ish guy
The Royal Hospital for Neurodisability
Alma Rix
2010, Spirit of the Age / Pie Jesu, The Fiancee (as Ulrika Belogriva)
2010, Sibling Horror, Nurse
Black Island Studios
2010, Sibling Collection 4 Film, Graveyard Girl
Anna Oldham-Cooper
Art Dept Assistant
2010, Bulmers Summer HQ, Costume Trainee
2010, Bulmers (Summer HQ), Quality Control Man
2010, Bulmers (Quality Control), Quality Control Man

Coy Communications Jobs

For details of known Coy Communications vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

COY Communications Weiden and Kennedy, Coy Productions, Coy!