neal street productions

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Neal Street Productions is the UK based independent film and theatre production company set up in 2003 by Sam Mendes, Pippa Harris, and Caro Newling.

Known TV Show involvement

Connected mandy members:

Yasemin Kascioglu
Costume Designer
2015, The Hollow Crown 2, Costume assistant
2015, call the midwife series 4, child supporting artist x6
Louise Howes
Costume Designer
2015, Call The Midwife Christmas Special, Costume Assistant (Work Experience)
Nicky Goldie
2015, Call the Midwife (series 5), Florrie
2015, Call the Midwife, Milkman (guest star)
2015, Call the Midwife, Vera Barnes
2015, Call The Midwife, Irish Traveller
Longcross Studios
2014, Office Work, Intern / PA
Rosalie Fenelon
Deputy Stage Manager
2014, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Rehearsal ASM for Cast change
Theatre Royal Drury Lane
2014, call the midwife series 3 x 2, child supporting artist
2014, Call the Midwife, Daniel McEvoy
Paul Harris
2014, Call The Midwife, Choreographer
Carrie-Louise Knight
Actor, Dancer
2014, Call The Midwife, Pregnant Mother
Longcross Studios
2013, Call The Midwife, ECT Doctor
2013, Call the Midwife, Joan
Carrie-Louise Knight
Actor, Dancer
2013, Call The Midwife, Dress Maker's Model
Ashley Davis
2013, Blood, Rushes Runner/ Camera Trainee
2012, Shakespeare Uncovered: Jeremy Irons, Self
2012, Sedition, Tilney (and others)
2012, Henry IV, Blacksmith and regular in Prince Hal & Falstaffs local Inn
Ealing Studios

neal street productions Jobs

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Alternative Company Names

BBC TV/ Neal Street Productions, Neal St Productions for BBC, Neal Street, Neal Street Productions for BBC, Neal Street Productions For BBC TV, Neal Street Productions/NBC Universal Television/, Neil Street