Portsmouth University

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Portsmouth University. If you are interested in working with Portsmouth University or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

The University of Portsmouth is a university in the city of Portsmouth, England. It was previously known as Portsmouth Polytechnic until 1992, when it was granted university status through the Further and Higher Education Act 1992.

Connected mandy members:

Daisy Foster
Sound Designer
2016, Sound Design recreation, sound designer, editer, recordist
2016, Ruddygore, Ensemble
New Theatre Royal
Jessica Smith
2016, Loves Me Not, Editor
2016, Love and Kisses from Omaha, Shelley
New Theatre Royal
Luke Robertson
Voice Over: English
2016, Health and Safety animation for University of Portsmouth, Voice Actor (Narrator and minor characters)
Jessica Allen
Script Writer
2016, Happily Never After- Short Film, Writer, Director and Producer
Holly-victoria Painter
Actor, Entertainer
2016, Gap year, voice overs/ security officer/ chorus dancer and assistant stage maneger
2016, Dirty Butterfly (Student Production), Jo
2016, Diarios de Motocicleta Project, Camila (Mujer Chilena)
2016, Chorus Line, Valerie Clarke
White Swan Building
Jason Lihou
Voice Over: English
2016, Charles Babbage and his invention of the Analytical Engine, Animator / Voice over artist
2016, 88 Keys, Anna
2016, 2:46, Extra / Party Guest
Mark Keegan
2016, 'Quid Pro Quo' (Short Film), Lucien
Joe Mulvihill
Production Assistant
2015, You Will Be Believed, Director
2015, The Root of Our troubles, Emily (Lead Support)
Victoria Park(Portsmouth) and Fittlesworth
Rhiannon Lewis
Voice Over: English
2015, The Root of Our troubles, Emily Summers
Andi Bradley
2015, The Boiler Room, Ensemble
Little Angel
Nina Jay
2015, Shoot/Get treasure/Repeat, Performance Artist/Soldier
Keir Carroll
2015, Raison D'Etre, Jordan

Portsmouth University Jobs

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Alternative Company Names

University of Portsmouth