Rattling Stick

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Rattling Stick. If you are interested in working with Rattling Stick or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Rattling Stick is a small group of commercial directors who share thoughts and inspirations for each other's work. They hope to encourage and complement one another with the work that is produced.

Connected mandy members:

Karen Ash
2015, Weetabix, Walk on (Family Member)
2015, Vodafone Christmas Advert, Chef
2015, Virgin trains east coast be bound for glory, Teenage son
Harrow, London
Matilda Pugh
2015, Virgin Media Advert, Friend at a Party
2015, Virgin Media "Inspire", Emmeline Pankhurst
Penny Sanford
Wardrobe Assistant
2015, Virgin Media, Costume Assistant
Luke Jasztal
2015, The Staves / Black & White, Scott Harding
2015, TfL 'Tortoise & Hare', Paramedic
2015, Tesco's 'Gluten Free Emergency', Store Customer
Tesco's Peterborough
2015, Tesco Christmas Advert, Customer Passer-by
2015, Smithwicks Ale, Pub goer
Electricity Showrooms Hoxton
Josh Birch
2015, Samsung - School Of Rugby, Runner
Ryan Smith
2015, Nuffield Health, Young Dad
Tj Harris
2015, Morrisons, Ollie's mate
Black Island Studios
2015, Morrison's BGT idents, Ollie's pals
2015, KFC "The Wedding", The Man
2015, KFC, Hero
2015, Dominos Pizza, 80's Mum
Euan Mason
2015, Domino's 'Only Dominos Will do', 90's Boy
2015, Britains Got Talent/Morrisons, Chantelle the Zebra

Rattling Stick Jobs

For details of known Rattling Stick vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Rattling Stick Ltd, Rattling Stick Productions, Sky Television/Rattling Stick