The Bureau Film Co

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* To produce groundbreaking films in the crossover arthouse film sector; To find and nurture talent with vision, innovation, and originality... and to champion these elements towards success and commerciality; To retain talent once it is established; To market our films in order for them to crossover in world markets; To create a new brand (The Bureau) of excellence and distinction.


* To work with distinctive talent, because innovation creates success. To take risks in producing films which do not fit conventional expectations of a ‘British Film’; To attain critical acclaim; To reach a wider audience through improved distribution and marketing strategies; To retain integrity in our creative choices whilst remaining autonomous; To make films that not only count today, but will count tomorrow.

We can distil our concept into four fundamental principles:

* EDITORIAL CHOICE: each produced work mixes authenticity and deep singularity with successful commercial viability.
* CONVICTION: the Producer’s sensibility resides at the heart of our editorial choices. At The Bureau, priority is given to the continuous development of Producers.
* INDEPENDENCE: to unite around The Bureau a group of associated Producers, sharing similar ideals. These Producers are individually independent in their editorial choices and are collectively responsible for the financial liabilities they commit the Company to.
* DEVELOPMENT: to identify new talent and lead them towards success; to train future producers; to finance signed projects; to manage and follow sales and distribution through links with major UK & French players as well as European international sales companies.

Connected mandy members:

2013, Between Places, Co-worker
Lucy Requier
2013, Between Places, Sarah (small estate agent role)
2013, Between places, Brandon
Toni Brooks
2010, Software development, Various voices
United Workspace
Yasemin Kascioglu
Costume Designer
2010, late bloomers, costume assistant
Rebecca McManus
Costume Supervisor
2010, Late Bloomers, Wardrobe Mistress
2010, Late Bloomers, Paramedic
Paul Zabihi
Production Designer
2006, The Sickie, Production Designer/Art Director

The Bureau Film Co Jobs

For details of known The Bureau Film Co vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

K.G. Productions / The Bureau, The Bureau, The Bureau / Autour de Minuit, The Bureau Film Company