Theatre Royal Drury Lane

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The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, commonly known as Drury Lane, is a West End theatre in Covent Garden, in the London borough of Westminster.
The Theatre Royal Drury Lane is the oldest theatre in England that is still in use. The first venue on the site was known as the Theatre Royal, Brydges Street. The auditorium could seat over 2,188 audience members and was known for its popular entertainment. The venue was forced to close in 1666 during the plague, when public buildings were outlawed. It closed again after the Great Fire of London and was damaged in 1672.

Connected mandy members:

Paul Ferris
Stage Manager
1985, Royal Variety Performance, Royal Variety Performance
Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
1981, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, Jay
Theatre Royal, Drury Lane

Theatre Royal Drury Lane Jobs

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