
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with YouthNet. If you are interested in working with YouthNet or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

YouthNet is the UK’s first exclusively online charity. We guide and support young people, enabling them to make informed choices, participate in society and achieve their ambitions.

Connected mandy members:

Tom Laker
2015, YouthNet Website, Model
2015, YouthNet - Photoshoot, Actor/Model
Lisa Lynn
Actor, Singer
2014, The Panic Monster, Young Person 1
Aaron Turner
2014, Tame Your Panic Monster, Panic Attack Monster (Lead)
Aaron Turner
Voice Over: English
2014, Tame Your Panic Monster, Panic Attack Monster
Lisa Lynn
Actor, Singer
2012, START 00:22, Student fighting invisible Ninjas
2011, Recovering from Addiction, David
North London, Enfield
2011, 'Sex Accidents' instructional video on YouthNet's website, Narrator
2010, 'Job Interview Body Language' instructional video for YouthNet's website, Interviewer

YouthNet Jobs

For details of known YouthNet vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information