'the admin fee'

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Yet again another 'film' company is applying a 'small admin fee' of £1 to audition.

This, whilst also stating that as it's a small role it will be 'a very quick audition'
What the $£*@?!!!!!
Is this now the way of raising funds??!

Hmm, I've had 300 people apply for this 'very small role' if I charge them all a quid, bingo I have £300!!!
I can get them all seen for 2 mins each, the hall hasn't cost anything to hire so ha I'm quids in!!!!

This is pathetic and by keeping it down to just a mere £1, it tries to make the actor appear measley by not complying.

AND before anyone says, 'well you don't have to audition' you're damn right and I won't be. I am not that desperate or stupid. I'll be exposing this mockery to all and sundry.

Good grief.

  • 14 years ago
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Forbes KB

If the MP's are now fighting over each other to refund the money they screwed from their expenses claims doesn't make them any better! The only reason they did that is because they got caught.

Likewise the only reason this anonymous production company is now waiving the "audition fee" is because they got caught out.

It's still bang out of order and I say name & shame and black list them. Let's see how easy it is to get a cast then...Thieving b'stards!

  • 14 years ago
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Mark Joseph

They also seem to be doing an open-audition style day, which never, ever works out for film. It may be commonplace for other media, but for a film, I do not really want to read for something where it's first come, first served. If 300 people turn up it'll be chaos. However, that may just be down to inexperience in casting such a project.


  • 14 years ago
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It's an utter disgrace.

If anyone would like the name of this shambles of a company feel free to pm me.

  • 14 years ago
  • 3

To be fair though, the open audition bit is for extras, the main parts are being auditioned individually, by appointment, in the afternoon.

Is that so bad? I've been to mass extra auditions before, just involved having a picture taken.

  • 14 years ago
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Yes benwalton, and as you can imagine it's the women who are fuming, as...well surprise surprise...all the main roles are for men. And the extras: everyone else (i.e. women & men).

The £1 fee isn't cutting it with me, and I won't be going. I mean, imagine paying £1 to audition for an extra role, which 100 other women & men will be auditioning for? I mean, hear the logic! They collect loads of money, we may just get lucky enough to be informed if rejected...?

I think the men have it better this time...yet again (no hard feelings, guys!)

  • 14 years ago
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There are 2 female characters in the scripts, perhaps they've already been cast?

I don't defend the admin fee, don't get me wrong, but their message is very clear about the extras and main roles audition times.

  • 14 years ago
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Think benwalton is a tad dull so I've change my username. Gonna try and tempt fate! ; )

  • 14 years ago
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Ignore me people, someone has just brought something to my attention and I've totally misunderstood something in the message they sent!

Is there a version if this website with big coloured letters and lift up flaps? It'd help me immensly!

  • 14 years ago
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I found it baffling that whilst they wanted to charge £1 for an audition they are stating the pay is Equity minimum...??

  • 14 years ago
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Stating the pay is equivalent to Equity minimum doesn't necessarily mean they are using an Equity contract.

  • 14 years ago
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Toni Brooks

I emailed them back to say I wouldn't be attending. It's an absolute shambles! Okay, so they're doing an open audition for the extra parts but all they want are background artists (for me it would have been one of the office workers that I'd be going for) - just how much auditioning is required for that? If you've got the clothes and look as if you could work in an office - then surely that's all that's required. Bet they're fuming now they're not asking for a quid from each auditionee!

  • 14 years ago
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Nick Dutton

Where do these companies get off?

I've said I'll attend if they offer me a proper appointment time, don't use footage of my casting for their own gain...and there's no way I'll pay the "admin" fee!

Watch this non-happening space.

  • 14 years ago
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Like Forbes said, the only reason they are now waiving the 'admin fee' is because they were caught out.

Just because they've now said 'oh, er sorry bout that' doesn't get them off the hook in the slightest.

I certainly wouldn't want to work or even audition for any company that deems this as remotely acceptable.

It's exactly companies like these who think they can treat actors how they like and do so because they think actors are desperate for work and so get away with it every time.
What message is being put out if we don't all stand up against this?

Self respect and respect for others.


Oh and as for the equity pay, sounds to me like the actors chosen are/were going to be paid by the ones who are/were going to pay for the 'priviledge' to audition.

Boycott-boycott-boycott-boycott like the plague...

  • 14 years ago
  • 13

It's a disgrace. And the info on the website isn't much better! It states that there will be no pay, there is no mention of any equity equivalant. The company also markets itself as wanting fresh new talent, no big names and none actors. erm...yeah because you know you can't afford the big names! and you think that us actors relatively new out of drama school are desperate enough to take anything even if it means being exploited!! And you know JoePublic will jump at the chance of being in a film! For free!
I am new on here but this has got me really angry. Thank god for this thread and the chance to share our views and take a stand together!!!

  • 14 years ago
  • 14
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I believe the info on their website states that due to their valiant fundraising they have raised in excess of £32k (!) and will be hiring all the best equipment.
Well with their backhand fundraising techniques is it any wonder?! And equipment costs money but yet again the actor is the last consideration.

I have also been informed by 3 different people that this film was already cast during April.
The entire thing sounds like the biggest scam.

I wonder if this job was/is advertised on any other casting sites?

  • 14 years ago
  • 15

I've been offered this audition too, I was just wondering if anyone knew of anybody that had applied and not been given an audition? I'm concerned that they've just invited everyone who's applied just to get the money and there'll be thousands of people there!

Also I'm still yet to receive a message saying that the admin fee has been waived, I wonder if they'll be seeing significantly fewer people since they're not charging...

  • 14 years ago
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Dave Bibby

You guys have made my day. I also got the very strange audition invite and was shocked at the admin fee. It sounds silly but this little thing set off a big debate in my head and had me questioning the entire industry, my value as a performer and everyhting I have achieved up to this point. Having one of those days!!

Then I see all you guys in the same boat and realise this is just an isolated incident. A bunch of cowboys trying to take advantage. They don't know me, they don't care about me and all the publicity that they have got should now backfire as they have gone a step too far. Vive la revolucion!!

  • 14 years ago
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They want everyone there at 1.30 to be addressed en masse by the producer.
The part that I want to read for begins auditioning at 5pm. I have this image in my head of a big room crammed to the rafters ( a la X-Factor ) full of actors, non-actors, people with performing dogs, eighty year old tap dancers etc.
Think I'll find something else to do on Tuesday and save the tube fare.

  • 14 years ago
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by the way splat no-one mentioned anything about £32k being a reasonable or unreasonable amount it's the methods they are raising that sort of cash that is up for discussion...

ANYWAYS, has anyone tried to get onto their website??

It doesn't seem to be working anymore....

  • 14 years ago
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Mark Joseph

The film has a Twitter, Myspace & Youtube site.


  • 14 years ago
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