Do You Want a Friend?

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Well would you like to make a friend - of 'Equity'?

If the answer is yes then click on this Facebook link:


  • 15 years ago
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You know Clive I really don't trust face book. I don't know if you have seen all the documentaries about it and read the articles in the Guardian, but if you have I am sure you'll know what I mean.

Personally I much prefer CCP as we have a private discussion forum with a moderator.

Anyway didn't Equity pass a motion two years ago to have a forum. Which would be great if it was included in the price of our annual Equity subscriptions and was put together by people who are just as skilled and clever as the guys at CCP.

Yes I know you can only post on CCP if you pay, but because you can't post anonymously I feel we have some very healthy debates and lots of actors are so helpful and supportive on this site.

CCP is my favourite. If only Equity would produce something as good - ar well we can but dream!?!


  • 15 years ago
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Thanks Tracy!

See my posting asbout Coca Cola... all about MySpace & Facebook...

I know these conns go on because the victims contact me; after the event; sadly...

Lets hope our motion to Equity Conference calling on Employment Agency Standards to be a 'Statutory Body'; that can impose fines for wrong doing; has some effect on the government!

A little birdy tells me that the BBC is currently investigating this issue...



  • 15 years ago
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No it wasn't your Coca-Cola posting that I was referring to when I say don't trust facebook

It's more the fact that with sites such as facebook people give away an awful lot of personal information. They post embarrassing photos not only of themselves but of their friends. They post secrets and confessions about their sex lives.

Those embarrassing photos and confessions could come back to bite them several years later and lose them a job. And all that personal information can be used for direct marketing or worse.

At least with CCP all we know about each other is that we are actors. And the only photos posted here are professional ones. Obviously we should always be careful what we post on any website, but I believe many people using facebook operate very little caution are far too trusting and open with the information they give away.


  • 15 years ago
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Two interesting articles about-facebook you may wish to read. One is from the Guardian and the other is from the BBC.


  • 15 years ago
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Thanks Tracy - it is very useful information...

I never do 'add on's' because I am wary of their content and delete any offered; by anybody...



  • 15 years ago
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Nathan Head

oh i think i can deal with any spammers! its easy to delete or ignore messages and junk..

I've added Equity as a friend!

  • 15 years ago
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Add-on's are different to those you mention Nathan, they are programmes run by third parties; therefore NOT to be trusted.

Having someone as a friend is fine and dandy; no problem; but beware of any add on programmes offered...


  • 15 years ago
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I realised how irresponsible people are with personal information on Facebook when I read on one of my friends profiles his many boastings about his sex life with his girlfriend. Really intimate things. The same day I removed all the add on programmes from my profile and deleted any information about me that isn't already easily accessible on the net from my involvement with Equity.

I still receive emails from facebook telling me that so and so has sent me this or written that or wants me to do this quiz or the other, even though, I have deleted all add on applications.

Just prior to reading this, I was talking to a friend, who said that on Facebook it still says from her end that I have all these applications live on my profile.

Therefore, the article from the Guardian saying you can't leave Facebook would also appear to be true of the add-on applications.

I would say, be very careful what you put on there. If it isn't already on public view somewhere and don't want it made public, then don't put it on Facebook.

I've also noticed that my friends who are in the business tend to have open profiles and my friends not in the business tend to have private profiles...!!! Draw your own conclusions to that!

S x

  • 15 years ago
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The only thing I have to boast about...

Is my Equity membership!!!

Come on - join our club...

Then you too can boast about it!!!


  • 15 years ago
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Come on Clive, isn't it about time that Equity had its own discussion forum in its members only area. After all this was asked for in a motion from the South West Area committee at the 2006 Annual Representative's Conference.

One has to ask why is Equity not doing what it committed to do. Why do we now have to join Facebook in order to join the Equity online discussions? Equity has its own professional website where a forum should be provided, and Equity should not be riding on the back of a social networking website. After all Equity is a professional trade union and should behave like one.

So Clive I hope you will support this year's motions from the Scottish National committee and the East Anglia a variety branch. Which call for a moderator for an Equity forum and a better website for Equity members.

After all though your concerns about up front fees are a important and you have done much good work in this area. There are many other Equity members concerns for you to think about and act on.


  • 15 years ago
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Well Tracy...

I think you are preaching to the already converted. At previous Council meetings I have raised this issue. The reason for the delay is, so I am told; is that they (Martin Brown) wanted to get it 'right' before rolling it out? What ever that means. So I do support any and every effort - in getting it up and running.

Mind you, if you look at the Bectu Forum, you will notice it started way back in 2005, click:

There is a certain person who tends to do most (nearly all) of the postings. Why are there not postings by others?

Certainly the forum is successful in that it is well viewed; it is also open to anyone to view. One heading has now received over 7,500 hits!!!

As to other concerns from members... I get many complaints on various subjects. I have to say, I am trying to ensure Equity members get holiday pay, when working on commercials; but it is an up-hill battle to get the powers that be, resolving this issue.

Getting a pay increase for background artists on ITV/Pact agreements; is at the very top of my list...

Getting paid on time is yet another issue. Getting at least the National Minimum Wage is also another important issue that takes up a lot of my time... I met with the 'Low Pay Commission' last year regarding the problems, that Equity members have, this was published in their report; but the government ignored these recommendations!

i also try and help none members, in the hope that they too - will join Equity...

Up-front fees is just one of many problems facing performers; but it must come near to the top of the priority list.


  • 15 years ago
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It's very reassuring to hear that you do fight for other things too and I am sure you are not alone in your hard work as there are 46 other Equity Council members.

It's also very good to hear that you have been pushing for an equity forum.

As for they (Martin Brown) "getting it right" well it's not exactly rocket science. As you point out Bectu already have a very good forum which they have had since 2005. I believe Tony who produces the Bectu forum website as well as Bectu's other websites is actually a freelance camera operator. Also the Bectu forum is produced with phpbb which is free software.

If not many people post on the Bectu forum I suspect this may be because it is a very public website anyone can visit it and you do not have to be a member of Bectu to read the posts on it.

Now you've mentioned Bectu I also have to praise their main website as it is extremely easy to navigate and user-friendly. Maybe next time you're at a Council meeting and websites and forums comes up for discussion why don't you suggest equity copy the style of Bectu website and forum. As this would be a vast improvement on what we have now.


  • 15 years ago
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My view is that the reason why more do not post to the Bectu forum; is that they use many others; like CCP... Or in the case of background artists, click:

I do NOT think it is because it is public... especially since the Casting Collective Forum, I believe, is also public...

The Bectu Forum is however very popular for 'viewing' what is happening in the industry, there are lots of forums such as BBC, Film etc...

If it confidential matter, then one can always send private messages...

By the way an e-mail from me, is winging its way to Martin Brown - on the launch date for the Equity Forum...

So I do listen...


  • 15 years ago
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Did you also ask Martin why he has the Equity facebook URL in the signature of his Equity e-mails.

If we still do not have a forum as Equity members within Equity's own website because of concerns about "getting it right" one has to ask what security checks or advice was taken before Equity jumped in and started using facebook. It all seems somewhat contradictory to me.


  • 15 years ago
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Perhaps you can raise this point at Equity Annual Conference on 18/19 May?


  • 15 years ago
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If I get chance I probably will ask Martin at the ARC. Especially as in e-mails and posts to this website there's no tone of voice so it could sound like I'm being horrible or very angry. Which I am not, I am just very curious.

Having previously been in actors cooperative agency's I know doing anything by committee can take a very long time, and in a way Equity Council is just like a huge cooperative agency. So I would imagine you have to have the patience of a saint sometimes to be an effective councillor or indeed member of staff.

Anyway Clive thanks for keep us all informed.


  • 15 years ago
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Hi there

I think Equity are trying to be hip, young and trendy by having a facebook group.

Maybe they're right in that it may attract new younger members to the union, as an awful lot of my friends who are younger than me seem to spend hours on there sending invtitations to do this, that and the other quiz, game or whatever. Honestly, I do wish I had the time!!

To be honest though, I'd be more impressed if my subs were being spent a bit more constructively than for a paid member of staff to be setting up a facebook group and, presumably, someone will also be being paid to read what's on there, as its an official site.

Maybe they'd like to pay me to do that job as presumably you can do it remotely...

Nice work if you can get it!!

S x

  • 15 years ago
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Thanks Tracy..

Talking about trying to be a saint... This is what someone sent to me on Friday:

"I've just had a rather odd phone call from a man who said he wanted to remain anonymous but - that Equity spokesperson Clive Hurst would be appearing on Watchdog on Monday to criticize Spotlight as a 'rip off'."

Now, that really is sad and mischievous; and I am losing the will to live; when such unfair things are said about me; to others...

By the way, BBC Watchdog did do a good piece tonight (Monday) on scam model agencies; and even interviewed Minister Patrick McFadden; who claimed it was still early days on the effectiveness on the new 7-day cooling off period. You can guess who provided some of the research material!


  • 15 years ago
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Yes Sarah I think you're probably right. Equity are trying to be hip young and trendy!?!

But it just doesn't seem right to me or very professional. Also I don't think Bectu have a facebook group, but do tell me if I'm wrong.


  • 15 years ago
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