Crow Theatre

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Crow Theatre. If you are interested in working with Crow Theatre or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

We aim to bring new theatre to a new genertation of theatre goers. Exploring and connecting with the world around us through improvisation and interactive theatre.

Connected mandy members:

2012, Jack The Ripper's London, Jospeh Barnett
2012, Jack the Ripper's London, Lulu (bar maid)
tunnel - London Bridge
Zach Wilson
2012, Jack The Ripper's London, Joseph Barnett
The Southwark Needle, London
Simon Kane
2012, Jack the Ripper's London, Assistant Producer
10 Bermondsey Street
2012, Jack the Ripper Tour, Jack the Ripper/Bill
London Vaults
George Bryan
2012, Jack The Ripper, Bertie
2012, Jack the Ripper, Victorian Prostitute
2012, Beyond the Grave Halloween Party, Keith Hoxton
London Vaults
2012, Beyond The Grave, Lulu
London Bridge site specific
Tim Fordyce
2012, Beyond the Grave, Frank Fenshaw
2012, Beyond The Grave, PC (central role)
Bermondsey Tunnels
2011, Mosaic Efra Merger Forum Theatre, Social Support Worker
2011, Jack the ripper (workshops and promo video), Immigrant (exotic) prostitute
Southwark Playhouse
Holly Joyce
2011, Jack the Ripper (workshop and promo film), Flower Seller
Southwark Playhouse
2011, Jack The Ripper, Prostitute
Southwark Playhouse
Dimitri Shaw
2011, Crowd, Clive
Kim Burnett
2011, Crowd, Sarah Higgins
2011, Crowd, Laura
2010, Jack the Ripper, Eliza
Balls Brothers
2010, Christmas Showcase, Carol Singer
Balls Brothers Wine Bar, London Bridge

Crow Theatre Jobs

For details of known Crow Theatre vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Crow Theatre Company