
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with 247.tv. If you are interested in working with 247.tv or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

I was the Director, Vision Mixer, Graphics Operator, Commentator and ran a live chat room. This was streamed live around the world and highlights were shown on several news and sports programmes.

Connected mandy members:

Jesse Gillgrass
Technical Director/Vision Mixer
2021, 24.7 TV, Live streaming technician, multi camera sports director, cameraman
Nathan Dodzo
2019, England Boxing, Director
Ben Carrier
Steadicam Operator
2019, BUCs Super Rugby, Steadicam Operator
Rory Vickers
Camera Assistant
2019, British Open Wheelchair Tennis, Camera Operator
Andy Nicholls
Camera Operator (HD)
2014, 20/20 Cricket, Camera Operator
2010, Return to sender (WT), The Woman

247.tv Jobs

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247 tv