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The Australian Academy of Dramatic Art (AADA) in Sydney offers a Bachelor of Performance. AADA's contemporary approach combines the craft of an acting course with the creative vibe of a theatre making course. This new and exciting undergraduate degree is a revolution in Australian theatre training, where young and emerging theatre artists explore the full spectrum of contemporary theatre education in the Bachelor of Performance theatre course, focussing on nurturing the talent, technique & temperament of the actor, creator, producer.

Connected mandy members:

Augusta M
Wardrobe / Wardrobe Support
2012, Agnes of God, Assistant Stylist
2011, The way of the world, Lady Wishfort
American Academy of Dramatic Arts
2011, Constant Wife, Mrs Culver
Mary Mccarthy Theatre NY
2011, Come back to the five and dime, Stella May
Mary Mccarthy Theatre NY
2010, Picnic, Miss.Potts
Mannie Greenfield Theatre NY
2010, Once a Catholic, Mother Peters
Mannie Greenfield Theatre NY
2010, High Ground, Josephine
Mary McCarthy Theatre NY

aada Jobs

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