Act Now

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Act Now. If you are interested in working with Act Now or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Act Now! Is a unique performing arts program that has inspired and nurtured the talent of thousands of young performers over the past 30 years!

We offer a significant opportunity for the diverse new talent of all ages to develop and enrich their quality of life through the practice of performing arts.

Connected mandy members:

Sydney Davis
2016, Wizard of Oz, Munchkin
The Electric Theatre, Guildford
2015, Annie Jr, Sandy (puppet)
Arts Theatre
Luis Alvarez
Lighting Designer
2013, Annie Jr., Sound Operator & Lighting Designer/Operator
LOST Theatre
2010, Tony Slattery Improvisation Workshop, Student
Mycenae House, Blackheath
2010, Adventures of Royston Cockfosters, Gerard Blooth
Greenwich Playhouse
2009, Something Wicked This Way Comes, Edmund/Caliban/Iago
Greenwich Playhouse
Sheryl Miles
2009, Something Wicked This Way Comes, Ophelia, 1st Witch, Cordelia
The Greenwich Playhouse
Sheryl Miles
2009, Electra, Circe
The Courtyard
2009, Electra, Orestes
Courtyard Theatre
2009, Coward's Way, Charles Condomine
The Broadway Studio
2008, That Happy Feeling!, Paul Wilhite
The Broadway Studio
2008, Mind Games, August Strindberg
Broadway Theatre, Catford

Act Now Jobs

For details of known Act Now vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information