Adhoc Actors

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Adhoc Actors. If you are interested in working with Adhoc Actors or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Adhoc Actors are a performers company providing professional performers for all and any occasion. Projects include Murder Mystery, broadcast media, comedy waiters, corporate role-play, forum theatre, meet and greets, medieval nights, paparazzi and much more. The partners of Adhoc are Guy Hepworth, Rebecca Hepworth and Rodney Paulden.

Connected mandy members:

Helen Copley
2008, West Yorkshire Police Training, Suspect
Helen Copley
2008, Siemens Summer Party, Bavarian Waitress
Helen Copley
2008, Merseyside Police Training, Mother of deceased child
Helen Copley
2008, Apprentice Team Building Day, Assistant
Helen Copley
2007, Leadership Conference, Queen Elizabeth the First
Helen Copley
2007, Gangsters, Gangster's Moll

Adhoc Actors Jobs

For details of known Adhoc Actors vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information