Aesops Touring Theatre Company

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Aesop's Touring Theatre Company specialises in Theatre in Education, touring Schools, Art Centres and Theatres nationally throughout the year with plays and workshops specifically written and designed for Nursery, Infant and Junior age groups. The Company aims to educate young audiences through the powers of entertainment and imagination whilst, at the same time, encouraging children to question and think for themselves. A high standard of professionalism is maintained by employing experienced actors with specialist skills and considerable enthusiasm.

Connected mandy members:

Karen Brooks
Voice Over: English
2015, 10 Plays, Various (109 in Total)
Jade Jeneway
2014, Not such an ugly duckling, Puppeteer
Lauderdale House
Karen Brooks
Voice Over: English
2013, Billy Beware! Audio CD, Narrator + Voices
Karen Brooks
2013, Billy Beware! Audio CD, Narrator + Voices
Karen Brooks
2013, 10 Plays, Many roles (109 in Total)
Schools, Theatres, Art Centres, etc.
Laurie Foker
2012, Nine different plays, Actor (Lead)/Puppeteer

Aesops Touring Theatre Company Jobs

For details of known Aesops Touring Theatre Company vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Aesop Theatre, Aesops Theatre, aesops touring tc, Aesops Touring Theatre, aesops touring theatre co, aesops touring theatre co.