Altitude North

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Altitude North is a small-scale touring Theatre Company - based in Leeds - which specialises in contemporary physical theatre with live music and Music Theatre.

Theatre, according to the Greeks, should educate, ask questions and lead to catharsis. In Theatre of Cruelty Antonin Artaud stated that theatre should provide an affective athleticism where, One should grant the actor a kind of affective musculature matching the bodily localisation of our feelings.

An actor is like a physical athlete, with this astonishing corollary; his affective organism is similar to the athlete's, being parallel to it like a double, although they do not act on the same level. The actor is a heart athlete.

Music theatre should combine sounds with visuals to capture and involve all the senses. What we are trying to create is a new art-form in which the performers interact through disciplined improvisation and create a performance which is alive, eloquent and relevant.

Connected mandy members:

2008, Metaxi Alogon, Jocasta

Altitude North Jobs

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