Altrincham Garrick

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Altrincham Garrick. If you are interested in working with Altrincham Garrick or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Amateur Theatre in Altrincham

Connected mandy members:

2021, Toxic, Camo
Altrincham garrick playhouse
Megan Relph
2019, Things I Know to be True, Rosie
Altrincham Garrick
2019, Brontë, Emily Brontë
Altrincham Garrick Playhouse
2018, Verdict, D.I. Ogden
Altrincham Garrick
Megan Relph
2018, Verdict, Helen Rollander
Altrincham Garrick
2018, Sleeping Beauty, Nurse Dotty
Altrincham Garrick
2018, Jerusalem, Troy / Parsons
Altrincham Garrick Playhouse
2018, Insignificance, Marilyn Monroe
The Altrincham Garrick Theatre
2017, Gaslight, Elizabeth
Altrincham Garrick Playhouse
Laura Crow
2016, Vincent In Brixton, Eugenie Loyer
Laura Crow
2016, Charley's Aunt, Kitty Verdun
2015, 42nd Street, Peggy Sawyer
2014, Gypsy, Louise
Ari Levy
Sound Technician
2013, Cinderella, Sound Designer & Operator
The Altrincham Garrick Playhouse
Ari Levy
Sound Technician
2012, Aida, Sound Technician
The Altrincham Garrick Playhouse
Jace Desay
2009, A Man For All Seasons, William Roper
The Garrick Playhouse
Fiona Hilton
Production Manager
2007, Talking Heads, Lighting/Sound
Lauriston Studio
2007, Puss In Boots, Princess Catherine
Altrincham Garrick
2007, Jekyl and Hyde, Ensemble
Altrincham Garrick
Jace Desay
2007, Habeas Corpus, Mr. Shanks
The Garrick Playhouse

Altrincham Garrick Jobs

For details of known Altrincham Garrick vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

altrincham garrick , Altrincham Garrick Playhouse, Altringham Garrick, The altrincham garrick playhouse