Arden Entertainment

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Arden Entertainment. If you are interested in working with Arden Entertainment or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Arden works directly with the producers and production staff to create a rewarding and professional experience.

Connected mandy members:

Christopher Neil
2009, 'Napoli Milionaria' by Eduardo De Filippo, Freelance Director
Waterside, Manchester
Paula Cain
Costume Supervisor
2008, Wreckers, Costume Designer/Supervisor
Waterside Theatre
2008, Three Sisters, Olga
Arden School of Theatre
Paula Cain
Costume Supervisor
2008, Three Birds Alighting on a Field, Costume Designer/Supervisor
Waterside Theatre
Paula Cain
Costume Supervisor
2008, The Crucible, Costume Designer/Supervisor
Waterside Theatre
Ash Baines
2008, Styal Mill (Spooky Tours), Caged Cannibal
Styal Mill
Paula Cain
Costume Supervisor
2008, Spooky Tours (site specific), Costume Supervisor
Styal Mill
Amy Chandler
Stage Manager
2008, Spooky Tours, Technical Stage Manager
Quarry Bank Mill
2008, Spooky Tours, Tour Guide
Quarry Bank Mill
Amy Chandler
Stage Manager
2008, Separate Tables, Stage Manager
Waterside Theatre
Paula Cain
Costume Supervisor
2008, Separate Tables, Costume Designer/Supervisor
Waterside Theatre
Amy Chandler
Stage Manager
2008, Red Noses, Stage Manager
Waterside Theatre
Harry Dyer
2008, Red Noses, Father Flote
Waterside Theatre
Harry Dyer
2008, Our Countrys Good, Governor Arthur Phillip / John Wisehammer
Waterside Theatre
Paula Cain
Costume Supervisor
2008, Our Country's Good, Costume Designer/Supervisor
Waterside Theatre
Charlotte Simpson
Wardrobe Manager
2008, Never Forget-the musical, Principle dresser
Savoy Theatre
Christopher Wilmer
Costume Designer
2008, Never Forget the musical, Dresser and wardrobe assisting
Savoy theatre
Lewis Rose
Sound Technician
2008, Never Forget -The Take That Musical-, Sound No.3 (Mixing)
Savoy Theatre, London
Lewis Rose
Sound Technician
2008, Never Forget -The Take That Musical-, Sound No.3
Uk Tour
Sapphira Kelly
Wardrobe Supervisor
2008, Never Forget, Wardrobe assistant
UK Theatres

Arden Entertainment Jobs

For details of known Arden Entertainment vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Arden, Arden Productions, Arden Theatre