
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Artluxe. If you are interested in working with Artluxe or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

We aim to develop a unique visual language by researching ways of using space and exploring new styles, forms and materials through experimental workshops and events. We support emerging artists and designers, helping them produce and exhibit their art work. We also provide design consultancy for varied artistic projects.

Connected mandy members:

Giada Abiendi
Set Designer
2013, THE GOOD PERSON OF SICHUAN, Assistant Set Designer
Rebecca Pickett
Costume Designer
2012, The Rover, Costume Maker
Anna Sorensen Sargent
Costume Designer
2012, The Rover, Make-up artist and wig-dressser
Hampton Court Palace
Jennifer Hunting
Stage Manager
2012, The Rover, Assistant Stage Manager
Hampton Court Palace
Shoni Wilkinson
Costume Designer
Hampton Court Palace
Naomi Brooks
Stage Manager
2008, forgotten peacock, stage manager
Brunswick Gallery

Artluxe Jobs

For details of known Artluxe vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information