Assembly Film and Television

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ALL3MEDIA is a global production and distribution company.

Our aim is to expand the group, grow its output and to continue producing award winning programmes the world will want to watch.

Also know as Bentley Productions, which specialises in high quality drama and has completed productions for both ITV1 and BBC1.

Known TV Show involvement

Connected mandy members:

Steve Hay
2003, Ultimate Force II, Isaac
2003, Ultimate Force, David
2003, Midsomer Murders, Hippie
Andy Capie
2002, MIDSOMER MURDERS, David Evans
2000, Midsommer Murders, Eddie Field
On Location/Studio London
Natalie Segal
AD (1st)
1997, Midsomer Murders, 3rd Assistant Director

Assembly Film and Television Jobs

For details of known Assembly Film and Television vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

ALL3MEDIA, Assembly Film & TV, Bentley Productions Ltd