Atom Pictures

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Atom Pictures. If you are interested in working with Atom Pictures or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Atom Pictures is a small company with big talent. Take a look at any of design and direction and you’ll notice the sparkling and dynamic quality of our work.

With 20 years experience in moving image and exceptional production values we are a dynamite combination when we bring ideas to life.

Knowledgeable about every aspect of your project, we will see your job through to completion and work with you to ensure a result you will be proud of.
We promise to really listen to what you want and always be great value.

- Knowledge of latest post production technology
- Cross Media expertise
- Efficient project management
- Attentive personalised service

Specialising in directing and producing broadcast sponsorships and with over 20 years experience in broadcast media, you will have seen our work.

With exceptional production values, we are dynamic and knowledgeable about every aspect of your project.

At every stage we take care to keep you as involved as you wish, and we respond quickly on any size of job, as we are completely free of red tape.

We really listen to what you want, and work hard to ensure a result you will be proud of.

- Skilled direction of all areas of Live action and Animation
- In depth knowledge of sponsorship regulations and Procedure
- Responsive, efficient project management
- Exceptional personal service
- Knowledge of latest technology

Atom Pictures Jobs

For details of known Atom Pictures vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information