Badcheck Productions

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BadCheck Productions are based in Manchester, England. Artistic Director Chad McGitchie. BadCheck Productions provide new and innovative theatre productions, and based at the AXM, 100 Bloom Street, Manchester.
BadCheck is devoted to fusing together the creative space between stage and screen bringing together mix of ideas, young people and emerging artists to create exciting new theatre reflecting and helping to shape a new genre of the art of playmaking and multi-media creation.

Connected mandy members:

2011, The Second Coming, Victor
Contact Theatre Manchester
Dan Brazier
2011, Second Coming, Peter
Contact Theatre
2011, Dream a little dream of me, Danny Bennett
Joshua Brooks (pub) Manchester
Ash Baines
2010, Undone, Austin
Kim Scopes
2010, Sneaky Peek, Brenda

Badcheck Productions Jobs

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