Barnstormers Theatre Company

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Barnstormers Theatre Company. If you are interested in working with Barnstormers Theatre Company or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

he Barnstormers was founded in 1931 by Francis and Alice Cleveland and Ed Goodnow as a resident summer acting company. In the early days the company trouped from town to town in the region, five nights a week, performing a new play each week. After World War II it gave up "barnstorming" to perform all five nights at the theatre in Tamworth. Since then, the Barnstormers Theatre has brought both local and regional talent to the stage and captivated the audience with great summer productions.

Connected mandy members:

2018, Sweeney Todd, Keys 2 (Harp)
The Minack Theatre, Cornwall
2017, American Idiot, Theo/Ensemble
Kayla Mainuli
2015, Urinetown, General technician, run crew
2006, Crazy for You, Polly Baker
The Barn
2005, The Crucible, Elizabeth Proctor
The Barn
Sean Culligan
Technical Manager / Director
2001, 2001 Summer Season, Assistant Technical Director

Barnstormers Theatre Company Jobs

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Alternative Company Names

Barnstormers, barnstormers tc, barnstormers theatre, barnstormers theatre co, barnstormers theatre co.