Being There Productions

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Being There Productions. If you are interested in working with Being There Productions or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

BEING THERE’S company of versatile and talented actors, together with the dynamic direction of Diana Laurie, bring you a rare and raw theatrical hour - journeying into the life of a Story.

Without the conventional rehearsal period of most performance – yet going beyond the modern trend of improvisation; Being There Productions works spontaneously, using the word, the moment, and the actors connection with each other, to find and truthfully tell the tale.

Scenes using random lines of text, unknown to the audience and crucially, unseen previously by the actors are ‘written’ moment by moment. The story being thus revealed to ALL makes this a cliff-edge experience of intimacy and humour.

The audience is there at the delivery –

and INSTANT THEATRE is born.

Connected mandy members:

Debbie Terry
2013, Instant Theatre, Improv based - various
Dukebox Theatre, Brighton Fringe Festival
2009, Instant Theatre, Various
The Kings Head Theatre
2008, Instant Theatre, Various
The Kings Head
2008, Instant Theatre, Various
The Kings Head Theatre

Being There Productions Jobs

For details of known Being There Productions vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information