Company of Angels

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Company of Angels was founded on the following manifesto:

1. Theatre ‘for young people’ is sometimes depicted as if it were itself
a ‘junior’ art form.
2. The political and emotional centre of social change revolves around
children and young people.
3. Cinema and television seek unanimity and passivity from this sector.
4. Theatre has a counter-cultural identity when it is prepared to
leave its familiar audiences and buildings behind.
5. Theatre to young ‘non-theatre’ audiences in ‘non-theatre’ spaces can
stimulate avant-garde work of originality and beauty.

It was named Company of Angels not only because it would have to multiply on a wing and a prayer, but because I thought that Angels could turn up anywhere at any time – a school dining hall at 10 am, for example. Its stated mission is to broaden the definition of theatre for young people through experimental projects and new productions of a high artistic standard.

Connected mandy members:

2002, Corpus Christi, Thaddeus
Maidment Theatre

Company of Angels Jobs

For details of known Company of Angels vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Company of Angles