
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Coney. If you are interested in working with Coney or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Coney makes adventures and all kinds of things for people to play, following a set of principles: loveliness, adventure and curiosity*.

Coney mixes live and digital art forms to create immersive stories and play for diverse audiences. These can happen anywhere at any time: in buildings or out in the world. The experience starts when you first hear about it and only ends when you stop thinking and talking about it.

Coney’s work is light, playful and responsive to the actions of its audience, offering them the opportunity to co-author their experience.

Connected mandy members:

Charlotte Young
Production Assistant
2017, Coney, Administration Assistant
Coney HQ
Nick Slater
Production Manager
2015, Early Days (of a better nation), Production Manager
National Tour
Gareth Howells
Production Manager
2014, Better then life, Production Manager
Goldsmiths University
Emmeline Harris
Costume Maker
2013, The Game of Court, Costume Maker
Kensington Palace
2013, House Of Cards, New Courtier
Kensington Palace
Elouise Farley
Set Builder
2013, Early Days Show, Design
Gareth Howells
Production Manager
2012, Let them eat Jam, Production Manager
Rosehill Theatre - Whitehaven
2012, Let Them Eat Jam, Dennis
Rosehill Theatre, Whitehaven, Cumbria
Jonathon Carr
2012, Let them eat jam, Assistant director
Rosehill theatre
Nicky Donald
Production Co-ordinator
2012, House of Cards, Sound Installation
Kensington Palace
Gareth Howells
Production Manager
2012, A small town anywhere, Production Manager
Battersea Arts Centre
2010, Art Heist, Art Collector
Walsall Art Gallery
2008, The Gold-Bug / Masque of the Red Death, Benoit Hellier
The Battersea Arts Centre
Naomi Waring
2008, Gold Bug, Olivia

Coney Jobs

For details of known Coney vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information