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A B2B media group that focuses on five main verticals - construction, retail, media, automotive and public sector. Emap Ltd is the leading UK trade exhibition organiser and runs over 400 events across the UK, Europe and the Middle East. It operates major information businesses serving fashion, automotive, construction and media and has leading publications including Retail Week, Broadcast, Construction News, Nursing Times and HSJ.

Connected mandy members:

Francine Libessart
Voice Over: French
2008, The architectural review awards, Host presenter
2008, FHM/Head & Shoulders, Naked Boss
2006, Sony Music, Pop girl
Zai Swan
2006, Mother and Baby, Model
Zai Swan
2005, Pregnancy and Birth, Model
Simon Vine
Voice Over: English
2005, Amarda FM, Presenter, Producer and audio editor
Bruce Edwards
Voice Over: English
2000, TFM/Magic 1170, Producer/Presenter

Emap Jobs

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