Faction Films

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Faction Films. If you are interested in working with Faction Films or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Faction Films has been at the cutting edge of documentary programme making since 1983. We work regularly with UK and international broadcasters in Europe, the USA, Japan and Australia. Our programmes have won awards, appeared in numerous festivals and helped change laws.

Faction's programmes range from cultural, social and environmental explorations to investigative documentaries on issues and themes around the world including Iraq, Cuba, Ireland, Colombia, India, Ecuador, Australia and South Africa.

Faction has a strong track record of nurturing new talent and working with programme makers from other countries.

We have an energetic and experienced team of producers generating projects as well as collaborating with and supporting programme makers.

Connected mandy members:

Christopher Evans
Director (Self Shooting)
2016, Hancock Bespoke Jewellery, Camera and editing
Eleni Skarpari
Actor, Singer
2014, EchoWants Her VoiceBack / Dreams (Fleetwood Mac Cover), Lead Singer
Noor Dn
2013, HIP HOP HIJABIS, Edit Assistant
Emma Dalesman
Director of Photography
2012, Hip Hop Hijabis, DOP
Charlotte Claypole
Voice Over: English
2002, Sonic Revolution sponsored by Levi's Vintage Clothing, Channel 4 Music Video Credit
Charlotte Claypole
Voice Over: English
2002, Job Centre Plus, Narrator

Faction Films Jobs

For details of known Faction Films vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information