Father Films

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Father Films is proud of its network of trusted professionals and young emerging talent. We shape our creative team and crew according to a project's nature, timeframe, and budgetary capacity. We also work in Spanish and have crews based in Spain and South America.

Ginita Jimenez is the founder of Father Films and her freelance work as a producer/director spans across television, film and the corporate industry. Her work as a producer for back2back productions includes, Strictly Male Voice for the BBC, Paul Potts - By Royal Command for ITV1 & Earth Report programmes for BBC World.

Her director/producer work for the United Nations Environment Programme, also for back2back, produced films centred in Africa & Asia as well those in her native Spanish language in South & Central America.

Connected mandy members:

2006, The Consultation Fee, Studio Producer
Prue Gillett
2005, String, Maude

Father Films Jobs

For details of known Father Films vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information