Fluellen Theatre Company

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Fluellen Theatre Company. If you are interested in working with Fluellen Theatre Company or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

"Fluellen Theatre Company is renowned for its ability to present classical theatrical works in a manner which blows away the cobwebs whilst preserving the integrity of the original" Western Mail

Fluellen Theatre Company, named after the pugnacious Welsh Captain in Shakespeare`s Henry V, was formed in 2000 to produce a wide repertoire of classic plays from world theatre.

Productions have included acclaimed presentations of Macbeth, Ghosts, The Trojan Women, King Lear, The House of Bernarda Alba, Loot, Life of Galileo, The Cherry Orchard, Othello, The Duchess of Malfi, The Master Builder, The Comedy of Errors, Oedipus The King, A Midsummer Night`s Dream, Maria Marten or The Murder In The Red Barn, Measure For Measure, The Caretaker, Toshack Or Me! ,Twelfth Night, Mother Courage And Her Children, The Taming Of The Shrew, Hanging In There, The Merchant Of Venice, To Hull And Back and Under Milk Wood.

All productions are premiered at the Grand Theatre in Swansea before touring.

Connected mandy members:

Bethan England
Actor, Singer
2017, Medical Roleplay (Bristol), Patient
Vassal Centre, Bristol
Bethan England
Actor, Singer
2017, Medical Roleplay (Bridgend, South Wales), Patient
Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend
Christopher Pegler-Lambert
Voice Over: Welsh
2017, Jackpot!, Gene Hole
Bethan England
Actor, Singer
2017, GP Selection, Colleague
Mariott Hotel, Cardiff
2017, CASC Mock Exams, Bristol, Alcoholism
2017, CASC Mock Exams, Bristol, Learning disability
Hannah Lloyd
2017, Antony and Cleopatra, Octavia
Swansea Grand Theatre
2017, Anthony & Cleopatra, Lepidus/Eros
Swansea Grand Theatre
Christopher Pegler-Lambert
Voice Over: Welsh
2016, The Tempest, Caliban
2016, The Strange Friendly Stranger Friend, Dave
Swansea Grand
2016, Severn Deanery CT2 Mock CASCs, Bristol, Son of Father with Brain Tumour
2016, Psychiatric traning, Religious Mania
2016, MRCP Exams, Newport, Sudden Vision Loss Patient
2016, MRCP Exams, Newport, Abdominal Pain [physical check up]
Christopher Pegler-Lambert
Voice Over: Welsh
2016, Moving Through Mountains, Hywel Morgan
Bethan England
Actor, Singer
2016, Medical Roleplay (Bristol), Patient
Vassel Centre, Bristol
Bethan England
Actor, Singer
2016, Medical Roleplay (Bristol), Patient
Vassal Centre, Bristol
Bethan England
Actor, Singer
2016, Medical Roleplay (Bridgend, South Wales), Mother of Patient
Multi Professional Educational Centre, Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend
2016, Medical Role Play, David Williams
Middlesex Hospital
Bethan England
Actor, Singer
2016, GP Selection, Colleague
Kingsholm Stadium, Gloucester

Fluellen Theatre Company Jobs

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Alternative Company Names

Fluellan Theatre Company, Fluellen, fluellen tc, fluellen theatre, fluellen theatre co, fluellen theatre co.