
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Fluxx. If you are interested in working with Fluxx or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

The company has been working since 1998 and has performed consistently at theatres, arts centres and festivals within the United Kingdom, additionally touring to Athens, Amsterdam, Paris and the U.S.A. to appear at international festivals.

Fluxx recently organised the first U.K. mixed art form improvisation festival, Shifti, at Warwick Arts Centre and Coventry Centre for the Performing Arts featuring Julyen Hamilton, Art Shock (Kazakhstan), Forced Entertainment, the London Improvisers Orchestra, Andy Eninger and many others. For a programme see www.shifti. co.uk. To buy a dvd of the event (cost £10 inc. p&p), please contact us.
On Tuesdays we run open workshops for actors interested in improvisation practice in London. These are led by Chris Johnston or other company members. Additionally we bring in occasional teachers such as Guy Dartnell, Lois Weaver, John Wright, Kevin Tomlinson or Neil Mullarkey to run one-off workshop events. Currently all these workshop events take place in Islington. If you are interested in attending, see our Calendar and Contact pages.

Connected mandy members:

timothy lone
2006, My Dinner, Derek
Pleasance Theatre
2006, La Ronde (Improvised), Daisy
Coventry University Theatre
timothy lone
2006, Animal Vs Human, James
Candid Arts Trust
2005, The Visitor, Rob
2001, La Ronde Improvised, Jason
1998, Career Bitch, Davi
The Spitz

Fluxx Jobs

For details of known Fluxx vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

fluxx tc, fluxx theatre, fluxx theatre co, fluxx theatre co., Fluxx Theatre Company, Fluxx/Tristan Bates Theatre