gate2 productions

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with gate2 productions. If you are interested in working with gate2 productions or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Gate 2 Productions is an Indie film Company based in Newcastle upon tyne.

Connected mandy members:

2013, Broken England, Sue England
On location in North East
Umer Farooq
2013, Broken England, Rafiq Chowdry
2012, Broken England, Police Officer
Rod Glenn
2012, Broken England, Rob England
Tim Mount
2010, The Job, Tony
2010, Sparky, Sparky
Melanie Dagg
2008, The Angel, Mary

gate2 productions Jobs

For details of known gate2 productions vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

gate 2 prodcutions, Gate 2 Productions Ltd