
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Gorgeous. If you are interested in working with Gorgeous or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Gorgeous Film Productions is an exclusive company consisting of young documentary film makers with over fifteen years of broadcast television experience for the BBC, ITV and Channel Four. Blowing the cobwebs off the wedding video industry we are bringing the art of producing high-end, personal films into the 21st century.

They now produce wedding videos

Connected mandy members:

Harriet Green
Voice Over: English
2017, MacDonalds, Woman
2017, Hyundai Boxes, Driver
Dean Kilbey
2016, MCDonalds, Hero Lift Engineer
Jodi Broome
2016, APA, Bride
Finian Clarke
2016, Adele / Send My Love (To Your New Lover), Art Dept Assistant
Cassandra Clark
Production Manager
2015, Special K, PA
2014, Virgin Trains Slow mo, Big sister
2014, Virgin Trains 'Arrive Awesome', Commuter
2014, Virgin Trains - Arrive Awesome, Featured artist
Ajay Arora
2014, Taylors Coffee, Technical Support
2014, Jack Daniels, "The Right Way" Boyfriend
Emily Gargan
Personal Assistant
2013, Various Productions, Runner
Emily Gargan
Personal Assistant
2011, Land Rover Discovery "Been anywhere interesting lately?", Runner
Robert Rowe
2011, Greenpeace: 40 Years of Victories, Board member
Yasemin Kascioglu
Costume Designer
2011, Ford of Europe, Costume Assistant
2010, Orangina Aristocrat, Butler
Amii Freeman
2010, Miss Chief Hovis Advert, Skinhead
Federica Lazzarini
Art Dept Assistant
2010, Gorgeous, Assistant art department
2010, Burger King, Business Woman
Hadrian's Wall
2007, Garmin Nuvi, SleepingMan

Gorgeous Jobs

For details of known Gorgeous vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information