Hydrocracker Theatre Company

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Hydrocracker Theatre Company. If you are interested in working with Hydrocracker Theatre Company or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Hydrocracker is a theatre company whose work is “an alliance between formal experiment and rich content” (Michael Billington, The Guardian).

Our site-specific work explores a new way to make theatre in found spaces. It wants more for our audience than to sit in the dark and watch.

Our new writing explores the theatre of ideas. It wants more for our audience than an encounter with the familiar.

The company is involved in educational and community outreach at a practical and accessible level. Many of our productions have involved local groups as performers and seek to bring theatre to new audiences both through workshop and through performance in unusual settings.

Connected mandy members:

2011, The New World Order, Security Guard
Brighton Town Hall
2007, The New World Order, Soldier
Brighton Town Hall

Hydrocracker Theatre Company Jobs

For details of known Hydrocracker Theatre Company vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information