Laced Banana

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Laced Banana. If you are interested in working with Laced Banana or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Laced Banana is a theatre production company creating socially relevant theatre that aims to educate, inform and open minds.
Laced Banana aims to use theatre as a platform from which we can explore ways of confronting difficult or controversial issues by working directly with under-represented communities.
Laced Banana is made up of new young talent brought together through a love of theatre and a desire to make a difference.
Laced Banana operates a three step approach to our work: Question what we see, educate and open minds, inspire action.

Connected mandy members:

2012, Heartbeats, HIV Sufferer
2011, Why, Kelly
Jessica Gluba
Production Assistant
2011, Sectioned/Heart Beats/Frog Party, Production assistant
Maria Courtney
Assistant Stage Manager
2011, Blowing Whistles, Stage Manager
Taurus Bar
Rob Feldman
2011, Blowing Whistles, Mark
Sarah Burton
2011, 'Write This Way' part of Heartbeats, Emily
AXM, Bloom Street

Laced Banana Jobs

For details of known Laced Banana vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information