Lax Theatre Company

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The aim of L.A.X is to breathe new life into the alternative theatre scene in the North West of England, whilst striving for the highest traditional production values.

The company seeks to produce work of contemporary resonance with a broader aim of showcasing the work, where possible, of new writers.

With a firm conviction of the power of theatre to stimulate free thought and debate, it is also our ambition to encourage established writers to use theatre as a platform to explore challenging ideas.

Developing an audience with an appetite for such engagement is our equal endeavour

Connected mandy members:

Melissa Jones
Costume Designer
2009, To have and to hold, Production designer

Lax Theatre Company Jobs

For details of known Lax Theatre Company vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

lax tc, lax theatre, lax theatre co, lax theatre co.