Limelight people

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Limelight people. If you are interested in working with Limelight people or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Limelight People, formed in 2008 by Ana Vav and Magda Sobolewska, are now one of London's most competitive casting agencies. Our team is enthusiastic, experienced and dedicated to offering you the highest professional standards of service.

We provide supporting artistes and walk-ons for film, television, commercial, photographic, corporate, pop promo, promotions, new media and voice-overs. Our database also consists of quality choreographers, dancers, presenters, musicians, stuntment, circus performers, animals and children. We can help you get in touch with lightings, riggers, locations, ADs, make-up artists, photographers and general production crew.

Connected mandy members:

Wardah khan
2021, The Good Fight season 5, Stylish Lawyer
2020, Film 83, Crowd artist
Tunbridge wells
Ruchika Jain
2020, Alcohol Brand, Grooms mother
Elle E - Actor
Actor, Talent
2019, Shakuntala Devi, Featured Extra with speaking line
2019, 83'', Supportive Artiste (extra)
Ash Datta
2019, 83 The Film, Extra
Phil Stanley
2019, 83 - Bollywood Film, Cricket Attendee
2019, 83, Sterling Gillette
2017, Born a king, Extra
Domenico Aiello
Writer / Director
2017, Born a king, Extra
Eleni Skarpari
Actor, Singer
2015, Viral Shoot for Canary Islands, Spanish Female
2015, Bollywood movie, Extra Bollywood movie
Zoe Osner
2012, P45 (Bollywood), Extra
Paul Metcalfe
2012, , live presenter online bingo show

Limelight people Jobs

For details of known Limelight people vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information