
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Littlestar. If you are interested in working with Littlestar or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Littlestar Services Ltd. was formed in 1996 by Judy Craymer, Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus and Richard East to produce the stage musical, MAMMA MIA! Based in London, Littlestar is now a successful global producer of theatre, film, television, publishing and music.

Connected mandy members:

Stephen McGlynn
Actor, Singer
2014, Mamma Mia!, Ensemble Dad cover
The Prince of Wales Theatre
Tom Cooper
Lighting Designer
2014, Mamma Mia!, Lighting deputy (followspot)
Novello theatre
Gaz Wall
Stage Manager
2014, Mamma Mia, Technical Swing
Novello London
Dickie Wood
2014, Mamma Mia, Pepper
Novello Theatre
Adam J Rainer
Wardrobe Manager
2014, Mamma Mia, Dresser
Novello Theatre
Henrik Torp
Make-up Artist
2014, Mamma Mia, hair and makeup
Laura Waite
Deputy Wardrobe Manager
2013, Viva Forever!, Dresser
Piccadilly Theatre
Isabella Trevisiol-Duff
Wigs Assistant
2013, Mamma Mia! London, Wig Swing
2013, Mamma Mia!, Swing/ Ensemble
Prince Edward/Prince of Wales/Novelle Theatre
Peter Barnett
Stage Manager
2013, Mamma Mia!, Assistant Stage Manager (Dep)
Novello Theatre
2013, Mamma Mia!, Sky
The Novello Theatre
Gerard Leighton-Duffy
Voice Over: English
2013, Mamma Mia the Musical, Father Alexander, Cover dads
Sam Cox
Wig Maker
2013, Mamma Mia, Wigs swing
Novello theatre
Pip Minnithorpe
2012, Mamma Mia! London, Resident Director
Prince of Wales and Novello Theatres
Oliver Thomas
Electrician, Chief
2012, Mamma Mia! International Tour, Deputy Chief Electrician
2012, Mamma Mia!, Sky
Prince of Wales Theatre
Peter Barnett
Stage Manager
2012, Mamma Mia!, Followspot Operator (Dep)
Prince of Wales Theatre
Ben Jefferson
Company Manager
2012, Mamma Mia!, Company Manager
Prince of Wales Theatre
Peter Barnett
Stage Manager
2012, Mamma Mia!, Followspot Operator
Prince of Wales Theatre
Nicola Bouchard
Stage Manager
2012, Mamma Mia!, ASM Book Cover
Prince of Wales Theatre

Littlestar Jobs

For details of known Littlestar vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Littlestar Services, Littlestar Services Ltd