London Borough of Hillingdon

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with London Borough of Hillingdon. If you are interested in working with London Borough of Hillingdon or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

The London Borough of Hillingdon presents BigFest, a street festival in Uxbridge, every year

Connected mandy members:

Lara Marshall
Voice Over: English
2020, Open Mic Night, Facilitator and Perfomer
Edmund Sutton
Lighting Designer
2018, Various., Casual Technician
Compass Theatre, Ickenham; Winston Churchill Theatre, Ruislip
Patrick Combe
Theatre / Venue Manager
2014, Multiple, Front Of House & Bar Manager
2011, Big Fest Street Festival, Pickpocket Trainer: Lord Turnock
Uxbridge High Street
Charlie Bannocks
Actor, Singer
2010, Once upon a high street (BigFest installation), Fairy God Mother
Uxbridge High Street

London Borough of Hillingdon Jobs

For details of known London Borough of Hillingdon vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information