Madison Theatre Company

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Madison Theatre Company. If you are interested in working with Madison Theatre Company or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

We are Charlotte and Claire the inspiration behind Madison Theatre Company, a new London Company whose roots spread much further afield than the UK!

We both trained as actors at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City, back in 2004. Neither of us could have predicted that our paths would cross again in London, some six years later and that together we would set about forming our own company. Some things are written in the stars. Some things take hard work. We believe in both philosophies.

Connected mandy members:

2011, Rumours, Cassie Cooper / PC Casey
Hen and Chickens Theatre
Eleanor Jones
Voice Over: English
2011, Rumours, PC Casey / US Cassie Cooper
charlie carter
Actor, Singer
2010, Lone Star, Ray Caulder (lead)
Latchmere theatre503,Edinburgh festival,cellar theatre
Terry Burns
Actor, Singer
2010, Laundry & Bourbon / Lone Star, Roy Caulder
Brooke Green Hotel Cellar Venue & Theatre 503 & Augutine's (Edinburgh Fringe)
Erik Perera
Production Manager
2010, Jone Star / Laundry & Bourbon, Technical Stage Manager

Madison Theatre Company Jobs

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Alternative Company Names

Madison Theatre, Madison Theatre Co