Malvern Bard

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Malvern Bard. If you are interested in working with Malvern Bard or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Malvernbard was started, with no aspirations to be a huge company, just a good one.

As a new writing theatre company, we’ve written and produced many new works, with many talented people in many lovely venues, and we’re still going...

Connected mandy members:

Neil Rose
Sound Technician
2011, iBard, Video Designer
Coach House Theatre
Neil Rose
Sound Technician
2010, Sunking, Sound Designer
Coach House Theatre, Malvern.
Iain Barton
2008, Resting, Dave
Malvern, Hereford, Cheltenham

Malvern Bard Jobs

For details of known Malvern Bard vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information