Millfield Theatre

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Millfield Theatre. If you are interested in working with Millfield Theatre or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Millfield Theatre opened in 1988 in the grounds of Millfield House on Silver Street in Edmonton, North London. It seats up to 362 in a variety of stage layouts. The Theatre presents drama, dance, musicals, alternative cabaret, variety, popular music and children's events. Millfield also presents a major professional pantomime which is produced in-house. Millfield Theatre is owned, managed and funded entirely by London Borough of Enfield. Millfield Theatre is marketed under the umbrella of Millfield Arts Centre, which encompasses Millfield Theatre and Millfield House.

Connected mandy members:

2005, 70 Not Out, The Croupier/Head Girl/Glastonbury Girl
The Meyer Theatre
Kostas Katsikis
Actor, Singer
2004, The Boyfriend, Marcel/ Lead
2004, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Titania
The Meyer Theatre
ivy willmott
Stage Manager
2001, Cinderella, SM on the Book
Millfield Theatre, Edmonton, London
1997, Run For Your Wife, Stanley Gardner
Millfield Theatre
Tim Barton
1997, Daisy Pulls It Off, Mr Thompson
1996, Gratuitous Sex and Violence (and good old rock and roll), Evelyn Cleveland
Millfield Theatre

Millfield Theatre Jobs

For details of known Millfield Theatre vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information