Miskin Theatre Company

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Miskin Theatre Company. If you are interested in working with Miskin Theatre Company or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

till Here, Still Making Theatre, Still Working

"One thing that has stuck is the Miskin Theatre’s ethos - we train together and as actors we have a social responsibility."
Dominic Power
Our Company
The Miskin has been building it’s reputation since 1991.

An innovator, a patron and producer of new works, a challenger and defender of old works, a supporter of young companies and young actors, dancers, musicians, designers, technicians and directors.

Nothing is quite like the Miskin, rooted in old fashioned ideas from the early 20th century which appear so radical in the 21st century, perhaps it is timely to re-evaluate the old dead practitioners in our role as new live practitioners, to view our practice as educators as well as directors.

It is a real truth that any good director is, by definition, a teacher else we preclude sharing our ideas and our visions with our companies and with our audiences.

The Miskin, our house, is open but intimate, theatre is about possession and the Miskin is possessed. It’s possessed by the work we make and by the extraordinary energies that the companies of actors, dancers, designers, musicians and technicians bring to the place and leave behind them when they move on.

The Miskin is about the work and that is about the artists who make the work. 18 years since I came to set up the Miskin I am still learning, I am still working towards finishing what I set out to do and I am still realising that I need to find out more.

The Miskin is a real theatre, a real opportunity for a shared experience and as such is a real centre of educational and artistic excellence. The Miskin Theatre is committed to producing and hosting excellence, new work is among our strengths and new approaches to classic work is our forte.

It is a vibrant, intimate theatre with an atmosphere that only comes from a working producing house - not a dead nook or cranny to be found.

Artistic Director, The Miskin Theatre

Connected mandy members:

Phil Edmonds
2011, Blood Wedding, Waiter/Woodcutter
Miskin Theatre
Harry Reid
2010, Wind in the Willows, Fat Faced Policeman
Miskin Theatre
2010, Wind in the Willows, Chief Weasel
Harry Reid
2010, Wedding on the Eiffel Tower, Head Waiter
Miskin Theatre
Andrew Blumsum
Electrician, Chief
2010, Too Darn Hot, Lighting Designer / Lighting Programmer
Hextable Dance
2010, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, Old Dogsborough
Andrew Blumsum
Electrician, Chief
2010, The cradle will rock, Lighting Technician
2010, The Cradle Will Rock, Reverend Salvation
Harry Reid
2010, The Cradle Will Rock, Dick
Miskin Theatre
Harry Reid
2010, Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, Young Dogsborough
Miskin Theatre
Andrew Blumsum
Electrician, Chief
2010, Peter Pan, Lighting Technician + Programmer
Miskin Theatre BIG Top
Andrew Blumsum
Electrician, Chief
2010, IMAN, Assistant Head of Lighting
Miskin Theatre
Andrew Blumsum
Electrician, Chief
2010, Contradictions, Lighting Designer / Lighting Programmer
Miskin Theatre
Andy King
2010, Blood Wedding, Bridegroom
Miskin Theatre
Leonie Evans
2009, Iman, Musician
Miskin Theatre
Harry Reid
2009, Agamemnon, Storyteller
Miskin Theatre
Matt Casey
2008, The Rimers of Eldritch, Priest/Preacher
Miskin Theatre
Beth Newbery
Artistic Director
2008, The Cruicble, Director
Miskin Theatre
2008, Rita, Sue and Bob Too, Mum
Bridget Tompkins
2008, Flight, Sound Engineer
Miskin Theatre

Miskin Theatre Company Jobs

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Alternative Company Names

miskin tc, miskin theatre, miskin theatre co, miskin theatre co.