Morley acting company

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Morley acting company. If you are interested in working with Morley acting company or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Take the Challenge. A bold, adventurous project, where you, the actor, will work intensively and collaboratively, to take a play ‘from page to stage’ in one term! One play. One term. One performance: Get on board. Please note, online enrolment is only available to those who enrolled in the previous term. Eligible students will have received an email invitation to enrol online.

Connected mandy members:

2011, Blithe Spirit, Charles Condomine
Morley College
John Scovell
2010, The Doctor Despite Himself, Geronte,
White Bear Theate Club
Sarah Hoare
2010, The Doctor Despite Himself, Lucinde
The White Bear
Nikki Sutton
Lighting Designer
2010, Doctor Despite Himself, Lighting Designer
White Bear Theatre
John Scovell
2009, Blue Remembered Hills, Donald
Morley acting studio

Morley acting company Jobs

For details of known Morley acting company vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Learning for life at Morley